Spoiler – What makes (b)it quantum?
A short and easy-to-understand presentation of how quantum phenomena, like qubits, arise. Explained from an IT perspective.
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Quantum computers – Setting the scene
An overview of what quantum computers are, why they are expected to change the world, and how they threaten cybersecurity.
TIP 1: Don’t be scared away by the 137 slides, this slidebook corresponds to a mere 15-page essay, with lots of illustrations.
TIP 2: You can download the PDF if the slidebook doesn’t display nicely, or completely, on your device.
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Quantum mechanics via Q# snippets – Part 1
Gentle but comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics, for programmers. Part 1 is about superposition, the heart of the theory.
TIP: You have to download the PDF to be able to copy-paste the Q# code and follow the links.
WARNNG: The Q# syntax has slightly changed since the publication of this slidebook.
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Quantum mechanics via Q# snippets – Part 2
Gentle but comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics, for programmers. Part 2 is about quantum gates and information.
TIP: Switch to “Single Page Mode” if the formulas are too small to read.
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Quantum mechanics via Q# snippets – Part 3
Gentle but comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics, for programmers. Part 3 is about quantum measurement.